Thursday, February 5, 2015

My Template Week #1

I have chosen the blogger template that I did for really only one reason, simplicity. Since our posts have to be easy to access by our teacher and possibly by other students then simplicity is the key. Although I may be familiar with social media, I am not familiar with blogger. Though I have been using blogger, it has only been for school related things. That being said I would someday like to play around more with blogger and possibly making something very cool out of it.

When picking any template with blogger try to theme it if you can towards what your overall writing will be. So if you are writing something silly then I would template your blog so its whimsical and silly but not in such a way as to where your readers can't find your posts. If your blog is for school, a more simple but maybe still some colors and functions would be appropriate as per what I've chosen. If a business then something to reflect what you sell maybe or what your about.


  1. You give great advice and I am one for keeping it simple myself. I like the Penguin theme and you seem a little silly yourself :)) Looking forward to blogging with you.

  2. Hi Conner,
    I really like the clean simple Template you used for your blog. Very easy to maneuver and read! Looking forward to seeing and reading more of your blogging posts.
    Have a great week!

