Thursday, March 26, 2015

Week #7 Visual Process

I would like to start off by talking about visual networks and if they fit my brand. My fake business name was/is Ultra Gamer/Video Gamer Haven. Now with a video gaming business you can use things like you tube to help build your business. If you show a video for example of a part or video game being played/used, you might not only attract people who were searching for this specific part/piece or game but also those who were just looking came across it and went "Wow!' I want to have this." Now that's not to say none of the other visual social media will work for my business in also attracting people to my page, I believe Twitter would and Tumblr  possibly as well. Twitter would be of help as when connection both my twitter and Facebook together, whatever I tweet about would also be seen by my Facebook follwers and my Tumblr followers as well. Multiple accounts can be connected to one's Twitter and Facebook. With more of my accounts connected together, the better chance I'd have of one post hitting multiple viewers across multiple platforms.

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