Thursday, April 9, 2015

Week #9 Being Personal

When writing a blog, it is important to know when to be personal and when not to be personal. Most of the time, especially for a business blog. You should try to leave personality out of it, unless it can help. For instance if you need to put in some personal experience with a product or service. Otherwise personal stuff should be left off a blog. However if your blog is more of a business that's helping with personal issues and such like one say geared towards Aspergers adults and children then your blog can include more personal issues and experiences. In the end it's geared more towards what exactly your blogging about and what your service or product is.


  1. You really make a good point by saying that some personal experience about a product might be needed depending on the type of blog.

  2. I couldn't agree more Connor. It takes a certain type of personality to spend a great deal of time supporting a cause like Aspergers, and I'd think they would make it personal on their blog. Those personal stories are the tear-jerkers that get them the support money.

    If I were commenting as an expert in a field, like say Business Communications, and I'm a real expert there, I would keep the comments to the point and void of personality.

  3. I think you are correct and it does depend on the type on blog. I do think that even business or professional blogs still can have some personal touch to make it unique to the writer.

  4. I think you are correct and it does depend on the type on blog. I do think that even business or professional blogs still can have some personal touch to make it unique to the writer.

  5. I agree with you. I think that if a personal story helps get a point across, proves expertise, or otherwise helps to connect with the reader then personality may be useful. Again, I do agree with you that generally, personality should be left out of business blogs.
