Saturday, April 11, 2015

Week #9 catagoires

When using categories it is important to only use them when needed. That being said if it is needed, use them in a manner which not only keeps you organized but also in a way so any potential customers, businesses ect don't get confused and receive mixed signals. For my business, Video Game Haven, categories are something that should be used but only a few. The categories I would use are: Related Businesses, Gamers and Business Gamers. When mentioning any of the, or all of the categories, I'd be very clear and leave a little legend or explanation if you will of what they mean. Related Businesses to describe posts related to mainly other companies like Sony, Microsoft, Gamestop ect. Gamers when I'm mainly referring to customers that buy to play and Business Gamers when I wish to post and have it be related to each "side". By using these categories, I'd be able to keep everyone organized and hopefully attract more business via word of mouth or social networking.

1 comment:

  1. Hi Connor,
    Thanks for sharing your category choices. They seem appropriate for your business. Maybe you could include a category reviewing new games and maybe a category with tips and tricks to help new gamers play.
